Saturday, December 17, 2022

Wrapping Up the Semester

For my blog post today, I just want to thank Professor Wu for everything he did and the opportunities he provided me and the rest of the class. I wish I had been more attentive from the start so I could have learned more about everything that was covered in this class. But in the end, I did pick up a lot of new information—not just about software programs, but also about other things—thanks to Professor Wu's knowledge with the topic. I am extremely grateful for all the chances I've had and for all the times I stayed after class and Professor Wu offered to drive me home so I could complete my work in his class. So once more, I want to thank Professor Wu.

Despite how difficult this semester was, it was a learning experience. As a first-semester student, let me briefly describe this experience. I planned my route to and from the first day of my in-person classes before I started school, but aside from that initial day, I never gave the rest of the semester much thought. Since I spend the most of my day traveling between colleges by bus and had little time for schoolwork because I work on the days I don't attend school, it became more difficult. I've also heard that the first semester is the hardest, I could agree with that, but I simply believe the classes I selected for this semester were not challenging. I could contend that the government and economics classes I took in high school were harder than these. The main difference is that now I have to worry about getting to job and/or school, whereas back then I didn't. It's important to remember to be open to letting your challenges serve as motivation. Challenges will always exist, so try to maintain your efforts so that you can overcome them. Although I didn't get the chance to get to know any of you guys or even develop relationships in this class, it was a pleasure to have you all as classmates. I'm sending you all my warmest wishes for success in the future. Happy Holidays!!

Saturday, December 10, 2022

6.7.3 Table and Chart Formatting Facts

PowerPoint has a multitude of features that can make a presentation not only look neat, but also professional. PowerPoint is best known for allowing users to modify the images that are displayed, but what if you don't fall in this category? PowerPoint also allows you to make tables and condense the information you're trying to convey, just like Excel and Microsoft. Tables and Charts are visual representations. They are utilized to arrange data in a way that reveals patterns and relationships. I thought this feature of PowerPoint, which lets you automatically match a table you build to the theme of your presentation without having to search through many table formats to find one that works with the other slides, was extremely cool. You don't need a picture to make a presentation look neat. Similar to Excel, you can also edit tables in any way you like. For example, you can combine the top rows, remove rows, add a header row, etc.

Saturday, December 3, 2022

Order of Operations: PEMDAS

Spreadsheets are used in Microsoft Excel to arrange and examine data that has been stored. Excel is a tool used by businesses for reporting, analysis, recognizing patterns, and many other tasks. As I worked on this section of the LabSim, it was an easy task because it made use of simple formulas. Excel really does act as a sophisticated calculator. To add, subtract, multiply, or divide data on your worksheet, you can make a simple formula. There is always an equal sign (=) at the beginning of a simple formula, followed by constants that are numerical values and calculating operators like plus (+), minus (-), asterisk (*), or slash (/). It's a good idea to keep in mind the order of operations, PEMDAS, which Excel uses to calculate basic calculations.

Tuesday, November 29, 2022

The Influence of Photos

By the time I publish this post, you'll probably be able to tell that I've been working late to catch up. This week has been so hectic with work that I wish I could have used it to catch up, but it seems to have pushed me back. Aside from that, I just wanted to discuss the power of images. The majority of us use our phones to communicate, but what about archiving photos? Do you ever go through your photos and remember exactly when you took them and how you felt at the time? I remember I attended a friend's relative's funeral some years ago. They played a slideshow of pictures of this person’s life, and I was just in tears, thinking, "This person lived their life full of joy." After seeing that slideshow, it made me go through my gallery and I felt that nostalgia and happiness inside me. I was so grateful that I lived those moments even though I cannot express the same emotions that I did when I took those pictures. Pictures serve as evidence, convey stories, and most importantly, they serve as a reminder of who we are. Therefore, even if you have millions of photos, keep in mind that one day you might look back at them and recall something significant that motivated you to take that particular photo.

Saturday, November 19, 2022

A Quick Reflection

This morning, as I rode the bus, I was merely considering how to deliver my presentation without pausing. I have had some experience giving presentations because my senior year was so busy with them. This entire week was jam-packed with work, schoolwork, and tests I had to take for my other classes, so I'm grateful that Professor Wu helped me finish my presentation this past Saturday.

As I walked back to my seat, I began to realize some of my errors. I noticed I ran way over the time limit, even after I tried rushing my presentation at the very end. I really like discussing my culture, but I haven't really worked on how to do so in a way that is easier to understand. The feedback I received from several of you guys and Professor Wu were much appreciated. I'm relieved this task is completed, so now I can start catching up.

Preparing for a presentation and taking some time to relax are two pieces of advice I would really try to keep in mind.

Saturday, November 12, 2022

Christmas is Around the Corner

Can you all believe it? It's getting close to that time of year. Christmas is a time to unwind and spend time with family and friends. Christmas celebrations can get increasingly unpleasant as you get older and have to deal with challenges. If I had to compare it to when I was seven years old, I could definitely say that I was a lot more enthusiastic and knowledgeable about this time of year. My mother used to buy us a small Christmas tree to decorate at home, but I always wanted the big, extravagant tree. Now that I have one, I don't even have time to set it up. Little me would be disappointed. All the emotions and delights I experienced come to mind when I write this blog post, which brings back all those memories. I genuinely look forward to spending time with my niece because I haven't had the chance to since I started working and going to college. It's so pleasant to see a lot of smiles this time of year. What are you all most excited to do throughout the holiday season?

Saturday, November 5, 2022

Is Laughing the New Medicine?

Let me start by asking you guys: what’s the last thing that got you laughing? Who made you laugh? I don't want to turn this post into some sort of health research paper, but I just want to emphasize that laughing actually alters many body systems. When you experience that kind of shortness of breath, it means that you are still fully conscious of yourself and the reason you are laughing. We used to laugh several times a day as kids, but as we get older, life becomes more serious and we laugh less frequently. However, you may enhance your emotional well-being, your relationships, your level of happiness, and even your lifespan by actively seeking out more opportunities for humor and laughter. Additionally, there is always a driving force that causes you to laugh, and I don't simply mean when someone makes a mistake or falls to the ground; I mean the happy laugh that causes your body to react. People often take a break from stressful situations because it's obvious that we need some kind of distraction. I encourage you to find an activity that motivates you in the sense that it helps you forget about everything else, feels relaxing, and makes you want to laugh.

Saturday, October 29, 2022

Getting Started with Excel

I just began learning about Excel as of right now. As it was described in the classroom, I find this aspect of the LabSim to be brand-new and something I've never experienced before.

Microsoft's Excel is a spreadsheet application. Users of Microsoft Excel may format, arrange, and compute data in a spreadsheet. Data analysts and other users can make information easier to examine as it is being added or modified by organizing data using this application. The boxes in Excel are referred to as cells, and they are arranged in rows and columns. These cells are used to store data (quite similar to tables). Excel, which acts as a data collector,  may be utilized in a variety of other ways due to its versatility, which is why many organizations find it to be quite beneficial.

Saturday, October 22, 2022

Late but Not Late

In all of my years of education, I have never struggled this much as a first-year college student. Perhaps it was the way I structured my schedule, or perhaps it was simply a lack of motivation. I recently completed an eight-week course, and I'm eager to catch up on the three remaining classes. Since the eight-week class was moving along really quickly, I would say that it was one to which I did devote the most of my time. There could not be a greater sense of relief for me as I prepare to leave class after completing the MOS 100 exam now that I am sincerely attempting to get back on track. Time management seriously influenced me this semester; balancing job and school was much harder than it was during my senior year, when I had to balance six classes, sports, and extracurricular activities, all while maintaining my good grades. Even if we all face challenges, I encourage you all to strive because there is always a way.

"Not matter how many mistakes you make or how slow you progress, you are still way ahead of everyone who isn't trying". - Tony Robbins

Saturday, October 15, 2022

4.6.3 The Thesaurus

In today's blog, I wanted to discuss how useful thesaurus could be in Microsoft Word. A thesaurus, often known as a book of synonyms, is a reference work that provides a list of words or phrases that have almost identical meanings. Thesaurus functionality is included into Microsoft Word and can be used to improve your writing. What I discovered to be helpful is that Microsoft Word may assist you in replacing a certain word with only one click. Simply go to the Editing tab on the Home page and select the Replace tool to change all the words or just a few. I truly thought that tool was helpful, especially if you find yourself using a word repeatedly. Thesauruses not only assist you identify synonyms, but also the definition of words you might not be familiar with.

Sunday, October 9, 2022

3.4.3 Navigation Facts

The process of clicking and browsing through online or documents, such as the pages that make up anything look neat, is known as navigation. In this situation, you must be able to navigate each page quickly and effectively if you want to take complete control of your Word document. Learning shortcuts that will enable you to make both little movements from character to character and larger changes from page to page is the fundamental goal of navigating through a document. Getting around a document fast and simply becomes crucial as it gets bigger and bigger. Throughout this chapter, several references, icons, pictures, and text options that could enhance a document were illustrated. For instance, moving around in Microsoft Word enables operations like going to a certain page, changing one word for another, etc. Accessing resources within the document, such as adding a hyperlink or bookmark, or using any of the other tabs available, is also referred to as navigation. Additionally, gaining the knowledge of the majority of the features that different documents provide improves technical skills. By using these various tabs, you may see what features Microsoft Word offers in order to assist you edit and improve your document's appearance.

Saturday, October 1, 2022

2.5.7 Internet Service Facts

The variety of methods you can access the internet fascinated me as I went through this LabSim section. Since I had never heard of several of the service types mentioned in this course before, I felt it somewhat intrusive to learn about them. Depending on where you reside and the numerous technologies being used to deliver the connection to your home, shopping for internet services is crucial. I want to share two service types that were described in this section which I found to be particularly alarming.  

The first one is fiber optic internet, which transmits data across a cable made of tiny glass or plastic fibers. Through these, data is transmitted as a pattern of pulsed light beams. Compared to other media, they can send more data faster and across greater distances. You'll find fiber optic cables commonly used in health and research fields.

The second is the Digital Subscriber Line (DSL). A DSL offers access to the internet through telephone lines and a modem, which is a piece of hardware that stands between an internet connection and a computer, wireless router, smart TV, or other device. There are several similarities between DSL and cable; their only distinction is in how they are set up. While a cable goes through wiring installed by a cable company, the DSL uses the copper wiring of a landline phone system.

When selecting your Internet Service Provider (ISP), availability, speed, and cost are the three important things to think about. Speed provides you with the support you need for all of your online activities, and the cost must be reasonable given what you receive. Also, your local service providers have a significant impact on the Wi-Fi quality in your area.

Saturday, September 24, 2022

1.3.13 Rules of Netiquette

As I was reading through Chapter 1's sections, I chose to focus on Rules of Netiquette because it is important that we understand proper online behavior. I'll begin by defining netiquette. Netiquette (also known as online etiquette) is a collection of guidelines that promote respectful and appropriate online conduct. These guidelines are crucial since they enhance communication abilities, stop misunderstandings, and give you insight into what is appropriate in social settings such as working and cooperating online. In the absence of visual and auditory signals, which are frequently sources of misunderstandings since readers can readily misread communications, netiquette standards have arisen to enhance online interactions. It's important to keep in mind that everything you do online leaves a digital print, so even when you believe you've deleted something, it still remains there.

In any learning environment, excellent communication skills are crucial. In the online setting, it's crucial to pay attention to what others are saying and to answer in a respectful manner. Let's look at some internet etiquette advice:

1. Always remember to treat people how you would like to be treated. 

2. Avoid using ALL CAPS because it will make you sound like you're shouting. 

3. Think before clicking the "Send" button. 

4. Be aware that various settings will demand a different level of formality than others. 

5. Don't expect instant responses. 

6. Write in a style that is truthful, reasonable, organized, and clear. 

7. Be respectful of other people's different viewpoints and opinions.

Saturday, September 17, 2022

Did I Made the Right Decision?

In my previous blog post, I discussed the impact that well-known celebrities have on society. On these kinds of topics, I have an inclination to sort of voice my thoughts. Since opinions often result in fresh new ideas and most of the time an impact, I do enjoy reading others opinions. Aside from that, I want to discuss the value of voting in today's blog. We frequently acknowledge the significance of voting, but do we really? Let's think about some crucial questions that you might need to think about before casting your vote.

1). What matters to me the most and should be reflected in my vote?

2). Am I casting a vote in favor of or against something?

3). How do I envision the future for my community? How will my vote affect the next generation?

Do you know the answer to these questions? I surely do not know the full answers, but I can guarantee you that I do give these topics some thought because, as a society, we give power to a group of reckless politicians who are in charge of this nation. Voting may not be required by law, but it makes a difference regardless. The reason why you should acknowledge your vote is the cause of inflation and societal changes, among other things. Every vote has worth. I could honestly go on and on about this topic, but I'm curious to know what you all think about the key political topics of today. Do you believe that the government is to blame? Possibly the pandemic? Did we make the proper decision by allowing these politicians to rule our nation? While some of us do not have the ability or even the chance to make this kind of change, we cannot predict the impact that your vote may have in the future.

Saturday, September 10, 2022

Becoming Influenced by Famous People.

In today’s blog, I just want to talk about how other individuals, specifically famous people, have an impact on our life. Let me begin by stating that many well-known individuals advocate admirable and deserving beliefs, such as the value of moral principles, education, family, and many more. The majority of today's society can keep up with trends and is aware of what is happening across the world because these influencers support numerous environmental and social projects. Influencers may be perceived as having a beneficial or negative impact on us, depending on who you ask; this is because everyone has a distinct perspective. Even though we have never spoken with them, we have connections with them. On the other hand, it may be argued that these individuals engage in unethical practices behind the scenes, but as an audience, we have more authority to intervene anytime we notice something unusual. We have developed into a society where we gain from everything without considering the price we are truly paying. Therefore, our time-consuming practice of evaluating influencers harms their reputation while also wasting our time. Therefore, I would like to ask you this, are you willing to stand by your influencer even when they make mistakes? What do you stand to gain from supporting your influencer, and how much of your time are you ready to give up doing so?

Saturday, September 3, 2022

My First Day at College

Due to a bad night's sleep the night before, I woke up early this past Tuesday. It was brought on by my fear of beginning a new chapter in my new life. In order to have something to be proud of in the pages of my life, I was resolved to be the greatest in all I did. I was both anxious and eager as I prepared to embrace the challenges and fresh experiences that college would present to me. When I met all of my teachers, I didn't see them as any different from my high school teachers, despite the fact that I had always been told that college was a new environment and even harder than high school. The number of students in the classroom was what surprised me most; I wasn't used to seeing so many people in one room. Given that CSN is a large campus, it did take me some time to get to my classes because I didn't know where they were. I got up again the next morning, ready to face the obstacles once more because of the knowledge I had received the previous day.