Saturday, October 15, 2022

4.6.3 The Thesaurus

In today's blog, I wanted to discuss how useful thesaurus could be in Microsoft Word. A thesaurus, often known as a book of synonyms, is a reference work that provides a list of words or phrases that have almost identical meanings. Thesaurus functionality is included into Microsoft Word and can be used to improve your writing. What I discovered to be helpful is that Microsoft Word may assist you in replacing a certain word with only one click. Simply go to the Editing tab on the Home page and select the Replace tool to change all the words or just a few. I truly thought that tool was helpful, especially if you find yourself using a word repeatedly. Thesauruses not only assist you identify synonyms, but also the definition of words you might not be familiar with.


  1. Yes, the thesaurus is an extremely useful feature :-)

    Not just for synonyms but antonyms too!

    I like how you include a screenshot of where to find the thesaurus feature in Microsoft Word ^_^

  2. I never knew how to or what that feature was about but then again i never really used Word and Excel before either.

  3. Will be a huge help with reports and writings for classes. E-mails will look more professional. Thanks for reminding us.

  4. I knew this feature was in Word but never knew how to use it until I finished Chapter 4. It’s amazing how you can look up synonyms to make your verbiage sound more professional.

  5. Before this lesson I would always just use the suggested ones instead of going into words actual thesaurus tool, when I was writing my short story using this tool helped me out out of a creative jam.

  6. Oh yes, thesaurus, one of my favorite features when creating professional documents.

  7. Helps a lot with writing more professional papers.

  8. I like to use an actual thesaurus, like a paperback, rather than the tool in Microsoft Word. I am old school like that.

  9. Fun fact Roberto, you don't even need to go to the Review tab. Just right click on the word you want to find a synonym for, and you will see "Synonyms >" and there will be a list of most commonly use synonyms for that word. If you don't like any of them or there are “No Suggestions”, you can click on "Thesaurus" and find one that you like better.

  10. The most used part of Word for college students writing papers has got to be the thesaurus

  11. Useful information to those who aren't familiar with the feature. I can appreciate this built in feature!

  12. I really never knew about this! For papers, I would always have a separate Google tab open, such as "define next" to search for synonyms for next. I know better now.

  13. The main functions of Word include text editing function. Word software can arrange documents, including editing text, graphics, images, sound, animation, and other document data, but it can also insert other data sources from different sources.

  14. I always try to use the thesaurus when I write essays and I tend to use the same word over and over again.

  15. I don't use the thesaurus, sometimes I just google search the synonyms or just use the knowledge I have. Maybe I am a little lazy for that.

  16. Using the thesaurus can really help spice up your essays!
