Saturday, October 22, 2022

Late but Not Late

In all of my years of education, I have never struggled this much as a first-year college student. Perhaps it was the way I structured my schedule, or perhaps it was simply a lack of motivation. I recently completed an eight-week course, and I'm eager to catch up on the three remaining classes. Since the eight-week class was moving along really quickly, I would say that it was one to which I did devote the most of my time. There could not be a greater sense of relief for me as I prepare to leave class after completing the MOS 100 exam now that I am sincerely attempting to get back on track. Time management seriously influenced me this semester; balancing job and school was much harder than it was during my senior year, when I had to balance six classes, sports, and extracurricular activities, all while maintaining my good grades. Even if we all face challenges, I encourage you all to strive because there is always a way.

"Not matter how many mistakes you make or how slow you progress, you are still way ahead of everyone who isn't trying". - Tony Robbins


  1. Congrats on passing the MO-100 Word :-)

    Based what you shared with me, it's your eight-week session BUS101 course that occupied most of your time and energy during the first half of this semester. Now that it's over and you don't have a course in the second eight-week session, you can re-charge and catch up on your other courses ^_^

  2. Congrats Roberto! I love the quote you chose to share. Slow progress is still progress. Perseverance is key.

  3. Congratulations on passing MO-100 Word. Yes time management for anyone working a job and taking more than 12 credits is truly a challenge.

  4. Congratulations on passing the MOS-100! You're right. There are more solutions than problems! I believe in you!

  5. That quote at the end, wow. powerful post Roberto.

  6. Congrats on passing MO-100 Word. Time management is definitely a challenge.

  7. Oh this is nothing like Senior year in high school. It was something I never expected too. It is tough but it isn't anything we can't do, Robert.

  8. Congrats on passing your MO-100. Time management is definitely important to college success. Your quote can be a real eye opener for many who don't work hard to get ahead.

  9. Kudos to you for grasping the concept of time management during your senior year, even if it's way different compared to college! Adjusting to college was very hard for me in my first year as well. In high school, I had no concept of time management and put in the bare minimum to get by.

  10. Congratulations Roberto! Doing something is better than nothing. We are halfway through this semester. You got this!

  11. I too found myself surprised at how difficult it seems to get into a groove handling school life and everyday life vs how it was when I got my first degree. I am determined to complete this semester better than I started, so to that I wish you good luck in getting back on track and finish strong.

  12. This is truly relevant because in the current market trend, education will always be important to be able to grow. Time is not measured by being later or not, but by the means of why a person is actually taking action to progress. I as well truly believe it will never be to late to complete anything I want to do in my life.

  13. Never to late for education. Look at me I am a bartender who decided to go back to school to learn welding.

  14. Congratulations. Couldn't agree more with you. Always time to learn.

  15. Oh my goodness, I agree with you 100%! As a first-year college student it is so tough. I am struggling so much due to lack of motivation, work schedules, and lack of sleep. Hang in there! We got this.

  16. I am also attempting to get back on track with all of my classes. I also am having a hard time but we will all pass our classes and move on further our degrees.
