Saturday, November 5, 2022

Is Laughing the New Medicine?

Let me start by asking you guys: what’s the last thing that got you laughing? Who made you laugh? I don't want to turn this post into some sort of health research paper, but I just want to emphasize that laughing actually alters many body systems. When you experience that kind of shortness of breath, it means that you are still fully conscious of yourself and the reason you are laughing. We used to laugh several times a day as kids, but as we get older, life becomes more serious and we laugh less frequently. However, you may enhance your emotional well-being, your relationships, your level of happiness, and even your lifespan by actively seeking out more opportunities for humor and laughter. Additionally, there is always a driving force that causes you to laugh, and I don't simply mean when someone makes a mistake or falls to the ground; I mean the happy laugh that causes your body to react. People often take a break from stressful situations because it's obvious that we need some kind of distraction. I encourage you to find an activity that motivates you in the sense that it helps you forget about everything else, feels relaxing, and makes you want to laugh.


  1. Thank you very much for sharing your article. It is true that with people's increasingly intense work pressure and study tasks, it is rare to see people connected with the natural flow of a smile. But your views and opinions are absolutely correct. So keep smiling!

  2. Laughter is definitely therapeutic but I don't think it's new :-)

    Well said about we may be laughing less as we get older with life becoming more serious!

    I hope people can smile happily about what they have or will achieve ^_^

  3. I love laughing and I can't ever take anything serious; I laugh every day. Something that will always bring literal tears to my eyes is this video of Nicki Minaj where she had to film a commercial for Easter time and the whole time, she couldn't stay in character and ended up laughing every re-take because the thought of sitting in a chair just to tell people "It's Easter time!" was hilarious. In my Theater class, we had to bring children's books to read a line and look at everyone right in the eye, and I felt like Nicki in that moment. I mean, how could I be serious when I had to look my own peers straight in the eye and tell them, "the little boy stopped having nightmares."

  4. Laughter has been thought of as a cure for ill people for many centuries. Many researches have determined that sick people who laugh, heal better/faster than those that don't incorporate humor into their lives. Personally, I find things to make me laugh every day. With school and work being priorities, we often forget to take care of ourselves. A day doesn't go by when I don't encounter a passenger that makes me laugh. Often times, I wonder what is the meaning when a person laughs in their sleep. I seem to do it quite often.

  5. Oh boy, I just realized that I haven't had a good laugh in a while. The happy kind of laugh that makes you cry and your belly hurt from laughing so hard. Maybe you're right, the older we get life becomes more serious.

  6. I agree, we laugh less when we get older. I always have to find something to make me laugh because it helps me forget about work or anything I want to stop thinking about.

  7. Yes, I think the last time I laughed like that was today at lunch a coworker did it. ^_ ^

  8. Definitely agree that people laugh less as they get older because life gets more serious.

  9. The last time I had a good old laugh was watching a YouTube video on an old episode of Top Gear. In this clip James May attempts to ignite a SS-18 nuclear missile with a lighter James says "I think it must be damp" then Clarkson and Hammond start laughing.

  10. I catch myself laughing at dumb TikTok videos all the time. If it isn't TikTok making me laugh it is my husband. We always manage to make each other laugh somehow even in serious situations. ♡

  11. Laughter is a great medicine. Especially the ones when you can't stop laughing.

  12. Life is not a laughing matter. I'm just joking.

    Seriously though, going through the motions of life, and observing the people around me, I noticed the more variety the more disconnect between things. I choose to smile and laugh my merry way through life, it helps me to keep looking young each day without effort.

    Smiling and laughing should be more frequent as we get older, because our comprehension level of things become wider and more interesting. I try not to have a narrow minded way of looking at things, but that's when I start to frown and get wrinkles. Laughing and smiling have become such a natural part of me, it does not have to be a remedy for things in life.

    So I say to all my friends, you only live once, be alive be merry and enjoy your life. This is not your practice life, you only get one chance, and you can always reinvent yourself until your reach northern star.

  13. Always have a good time. Surround yourself with people that make you happy and brings you up not put you down. Live life like there is no tomorrow cause tomorrow is not a guarantee.
