Saturday, November 12, 2022

Christmas is Around the Corner

Can you all believe it? It's getting close to that time of year. Christmas is a time to unwind and spend time with family and friends. Christmas celebrations can get increasingly unpleasant as you get older and have to deal with challenges. If I had to compare it to when I was seven years old, I could definitely say that I was a lot more enthusiastic and knowledgeable about this time of year. My mother used to buy us a small Christmas tree to decorate at home, but I always wanted the big, extravagant tree. Now that I have one, I don't even have time to set it up. Little me would be disappointed. All the emotions and delights I experienced come to mind when I write this blog post, which brings back all those memories. I genuinely look forward to spending time with my niece because I haven't had the chance to since I started working and going to college. It's so pleasant to see a lot of smiles this time of year. What are you all most excited to do throughout the holiday season?


  1. Yes, Christmas is just little month away :-)

    Just like other things in life, when we become adults, we deal with the logistics side instead of the fun side of things -- all part of growing up ^_^

  2. Thank you for your article. Let me once again for the arrival of Christmas is full of yearning and longing!

  3. I don't want to grow up, I'm a Toys R' Us kid! Just kidding.
    As we all get older, I believe it should be easier to hang out with family and friends, regardless of circumstance. For me, getting older is the best thing, this time of year because as adults we are capable to do what we like, rather than what our parents told us growing up. Spending time with family and friends is a precious thing to do in life, as we only get one chance each year to make these type of memories. I look forward for what is to come this holiday season.

  4. Yes! Time to start playing Christmas music, I don't care if it's not even Thanksgiving yet. Hahaha
    I'm looking forward to all the holiday food! I especially love spiced eggnog; Ellis Island Holiday Nog is the best that I've come across so far.

  5. I enjoy the holidays more right now than when I was younger. My Christmases weren't that great when I was younger so now, I make the best of them so my daughter can have great memories.

  6. The holidays is the one time of the year when I do not want to be an adult. Life challenges us in many ways and sometimes those challenges make us want to go to a time in our lives where we felt safe and happy. All I want for Christmas is a time machine. (*_*)

  7. I am working on Christmas, New Years Eve so I'm gonna enjoy my 30hr OT and thats about it.

  8. Even as you get older and deal with more challenges, I hope you have a wonderful time spending time with your family.

  9. This was sweet to read, I still have a plastic Christmas tree that belonged to my late mother. Thank you for sharing your happy experiences.

  10. No I can't believe it! It got here so quick! Robert, make time for the things that make you happy. If having a nicely decorated extravagant tree would make you happy then set some time aside for it. It is such a fun and destressing thing to do, especially with family.

  11. Now that I am older I like to cook more often for the family. Being the holidays I get to show case things that some other people can't master to cook. My cousin and I trade off on who's house its gonna be at, and this year its her house. Cause my cooking is so good I am still in charge of cooking the Prime Rib and it seems to be everyone's favorite thing to look forwards to.

  12. This holiday season, I'm very excited to start wearing long-sleeved clothing again. I have very sensitive skin and I'm very insecure showing my arms with short-sleeved shirts, so this time of the year is always a blessing! It's a curse as well because I tend to always get nosebleeds from the dry atmosphere. Enjoy the holidays with your niece! :)

  13. Once these classes are over, I'll be in a much more festive mood!

  14. Bah Humbug! Just kidding. Usually the wife and kids would put up the decorations as I was working. My job was to bring empty boxes home and hang them were the kids would want to shake them only to find they had rocks in them I would do that to the ex wife too. Christmas is here and so is the New Year.
