Saturday, November 19, 2022

A Quick Reflection

This morning, as I rode the bus, I was merely considering how to deliver my presentation without pausing. I have had some experience giving presentations because my senior year was so busy with them. This entire week was jam-packed with work, schoolwork, and tests I had to take for my other classes, so I'm grateful that Professor Wu helped me finish my presentation this past Saturday.

As I walked back to my seat, I began to realize some of my errors. I noticed I ran way over the time limit, even after I tried rushing my presentation at the very end. I really like discussing my culture, but I haven't really worked on how to do so in a way that is easier to understand. The feedback I received from several of you guys and Professor Wu were much appreciated. I'm relieved this task is completed, so now I can start catching up.

Preparing for a presentation and taking some time to relax are two pieces of advice I would really try to keep in mind.


  1. Glad you stayed in the classroom long after everyone left to finish your slideshow :-)

    Don't worry about any stumble in your presentation. Learn and improve from them in your future presentations ^_^

    Excellent advice of preparation and take some time to relax before any presentation!

  2. I really enjoyed your Presentation. You make me feel like a born speaker!

  3. Your presentation was great. The one thing I remember the most is what you said about lives taking paths in different directions. I agree with you, taking time to relax and preparation prior to a presentation is important.

  4. I think your presentation was great, but could have been better. Practice makes perfect, so next time practice more before your actual presentation. Otherwise, good luck on your other classes.

  5. Personally, I have a habit of writing down every exact word I want to say in presentations or speeches to help me get past the long, awkward pauses because then I'd end up stuttering to think of what to say next. I'm definitely in need of improv classes because I don't wanna sound like I'm reading off a script. I wasn't here for your presentation, but I'm well sure you did great with what you worked with in a catching-up situation like yours.

  6. You did great. I get stage fright and hate it when I am put on the spot or in front of the classroom. Put me behind a bar and watch me shine cause the bar is like my stage. Maybe cause i am comfortable there.

  7. Your presentation went better than several of the classmates in my communications 101 course.

  8. You did great Roberto! I love how you are so proud of your culture and hometown. I personally didn't mind that you went over. I love learning of people's cultures and where they are from; I find it fascinating.

  9. It was interesting to know more about another place in MX. You did great on your presentation!

  10. Thank you Roberto for the helpful advice, I felt like your presentation skills will improve. Being able to catch your own errors is the first step, good job Roberto.

  11. Never forget where you came from is probably the most important thing in life. The presentation was great.
