Tuesday, November 29, 2022

The Influence of Photos

By the time I publish this post, you'll probably be able to tell that I've been working late to catch up. This week has been so hectic with work that I wish I could have used it to catch up, but it seems to have pushed me back. Aside from that, I just wanted to discuss the power of images. The majority of us use our phones to communicate, but what about archiving photos? Do you ever go through your photos and remember exactly when you took them and how you felt at the time? I remember I attended a friend's relative's funeral some years ago. They played a slideshow of pictures of this person’s life, and I was just in tears, thinking, "This person lived their life full of joy." After seeing that slideshow, it made me go through my gallery and I felt that nostalgia and happiness inside me. I was so grateful that I lived those moments even though I cannot express the same emotions that I did when I took those pictures. Pictures serve as evidence, convey stories, and most importantly, they serve as a reminder of who we are. Therefore, even if you have millions of photos, keep in mind that one day you might look back at them and recall something significant that motivated you to take that particular photo.


  1. I don't have any disagreement with you at this moment. The old pictures really can help us recall a lot of things. It might be sad, happy, tragic and nervous. However, all those momentary memories could help us get over the tough cases.

  2. A photo is worth a thousand words ^_^

    Good idea about going through one's old photos just to remind oneself :-)

    Amidst thousands or millions of photos and memories, some stand out more than others!

  3. I save all my photos.... well except of the ex-girlfriends. I do go back to look at them and send them to the people that are in them to so we can laugh and remember the good times. I also like that FB does the memories photo of each day you posted something. Every year on that date it will tell you what you posted.

  4. I have many photos that bring back happy memories. I have to make a priority to protect and save my photos because every photo has a story.

  5. My google account saves my photos online automatically and I often go through it once a month to remember fun stuff that I've done.

  6. Photos are the only physical memories left behind when someone passes. Personally, I don't like to look at old photos of people or pets that have passed because it's too painful. It is like reliving the painful event all over again. I do only with groups of family and friends. It's easier to process that way. Photos have impactful emotions regardless if they are sad or happy.

  7. Oh my goodness. Pictures are worth so much. They capture feelings. It isn't just objects or people frozen in time. This is why pictures mean so much to me. I would be devastated if I lost any.

  8. Our daily lives have now become just a reminder on our smart phones. Reliving memories of the past through photos is the best way to time travel. I wish I could go back to capture the times I wanted with todays technology. So many memories stuck in the past with no way to record it, even with todays technology. I won't even be able to capture and remember the feelings and memories I had even if I had the change to relive it. I saw a great idea a few months back, a photo of a persons voice recording, when seen through a cell phone camera, it would play that person voice, then you would be able to hear your loved ones voice anytime.

  9. I'm very mindful of taking pictures because I know they'll serve as memories I want to treasure forever and ever and ever and ever and ever - especially of my dog. Just 30 minutes ago, my mom sent me a baby picture of my 1st birthday. I love looking at childhood photos more than anything because it's like taking a trip to the past.

  10. Photos are a window to the past. I like to go through old photos and reminisce about what was going on then, like going through photos of my kids from birth to current. I'm still in awe of how much a little human can grow in such a short amount of time.

  11. Thank you for sharing this, I need to take more photos.
