Saturday, December 3, 2022

Order of Operations: PEMDAS

Spreadsheets are used in Microsoft Excel to arrange and examine data that has been stored. Excel is a tool used by businesses for reporting, analysis, recognizing patterns, and many other tasks. As I worked on this section of the LabSim, it was an easy task because it made use of simple formulas. Excel really does act as a sophisticated calculator. To add, subtract, multiply, or divide data on your worksheet, you can make a simple formula. There is always an equal sign (=) at the beginning of a simple formula, followed by constants that are numerical values and calculating operators like plus (+), minus (-), asterisk (*), or slash (/). It's a good idea to keep in mind the order of operations, PEMDAS, which Excel uses to calculate basic calculations.


  1. Good choice of topic Roberto :-)

    (P)lease = parenthesis
    (E)xcuse = exponential
    (M)y = multiplication
    (D)ear = division
    (A)unt = addition
    (S)ally = subtraction

    is a helpful mnemonic device to help one memorize the order of operations ^_^

  2. These formulas was a breezes but when it came to the IF functions I kind of got lost a bit.

  3. I agree with you that Excel acts as a sophisticated calculator. PEMDAS is very useful to memorize the order of operations.

  4. Memorizing stuff for school can be easy, but for formulas and functions it is completely different. I mention this because there are so many ways to create formulas to get different results, it is hard to remember them all. I believe having a notepad open and using copy and paste is the simplest and efficient way to get the job done with Excel. Otherwise memorizing everything will just get your hair white way too early in life.

  5. It's an interesting way to remember. Because I didn't grow up here, we have our own unique formula for remembering the rules. Thanks for sharing.

  6. "Excel really does act as a sophisticated calculator." I couldn't agree more. And when it comes to PEMDAS, always have to remember to use it correctly, or you may not get the result you are looking for.

  7. I hated having to configure a function where PEMDAS was involved. On 'Fun with Functions' worksheet, I lost my mind. Now, I'm actually used to it and it helps me understand what's being added, multiplied, etc.

  8. Great reflection of Excel. Spreadsheets are surely widely utilized by businesses.

  9. I did enjoy the fact that Excels programing functioned off a system that I was already familiar with, it made the learning process easier.

  10. PEMDAS was a must to memorize when I was in grammar school (pre-algebra). Later in high school it came in handy. The order of operations in functions is important to get the correct answer needed for all problems regardless of simple functions or advanced functions.

  11. Spreadsheets are not only used by busiensses but can be utilizied by anyone to neatly organize a set of data like monthly cash flow.
