Saturday, December 10, 2022

6.7.3 Table and Chart Formatting Facts

PowerPoint has a multitude of features that can make a presentation not only look neat, but also professional. PowerPoint is best known for allowing users to modify the images that are displayed, but what if you don't fall in this category? PowerPoint also allows you to make tables and condense the information you're trying to convey, just like Excel and Microsoft. Tables and Charts are visual representations. They are utilized to arrange data in a way that reveals patterns and relationships. I thought this feature of PowerPoint, which lets you automatically match a table you build to the theme of your presentation without having to search through many table formats to find one that works with the other slides, was extremely cool. You don't need a picture to make a presentation look neat. Similar to Excel, you can also edit tables in any way you like. For example, you can combine the top rows, remove rows, add a header row, etc.


  1. Well said about "You don't need a picture to make a presentation look neat" :-)

    Table and charts are not exclusive to Microsoft Excel!

  2. On this topic I epically like how you can modify details in excel and it will transfer to the chart.

  3. Yes, I like that you can select themes and colors for your tables to match the presentation. Keeps everything cohesive and consistent.

  4. Tables and charts are great when displaying information. Customizing your tables will make a presentation more professional.

  5. Thank you very much for sharing. Indeed, these features will make PowerPoint operations and requirements more concise.

  6. PowerPoint and all of its features truly blows me away. This is one of the many useful tools.

  7. I liked this feature because the layout was super simple to me when it came to inputting, modifying, and deleting data.

  8. Charts are a impressive way on conveying numerous sets of data in an organized fashion. However, too much information on a chart can turn into information overload and the true meaning of the chart will be lost.

  9. Formatting any table or chart makes it more interesting and visually appealing. I like to toggle and play with different formats so that my charts or table is more concise and interesting. I try to create my table or chart as simple as possible so that the its not an overload of data.

  10. PowerPoint was the best chapter in LabSim. I truly enjoyed working with tables and charts in my presentations during the semester.

  11. Adding tables and charts to a slide makes it easier for the audience to comprehend the information.
