Saturday, December 17, 2022

Wrapping Up the Semester

For my blog post today, I just want to thank Professor Wu for everything he did and the opportunities he provided me and the rest of the class. I wish I had been more attentive from the start so I could have learned more about everything that was covered in this class. But in the end, I did pick up a lot of new information—not just about software programs, but also about other things—thanks to Professor Wu's knowledge with the topic. I am extremely grateful for all the chances I've had and for all the times I stayed after class and Professor Wu offered to drive me home so I could complete my work in his class. So once more, I want to thank Professor Wu.

Despite how difficult this semester was, it was a learning experience. As a first-semester student, let me briefly describe this experience. I planned my route to and from the first day of my in-person classes before I started school, but aside from that initial day, I never gave the rest of the semester much thought. Since I spend the most of my day traveling between colleges by bus and had little time for schoolwork because I work on the days I don't attend school, it became more difficult. I've also heard that the first semester is the hardest, I could agree with that, but I simply believe the classes I selected for this semester were not challenging. I could contend that the government and economics classes I took in high school were harder than these. The main difference is that now I have to worry about getting to job and/or school, whereas back then I didn't. It's important to remember to be open to letting your challenges serve as motivation. Challenges will always exist, so try to maintain your efforts so that you can overcome them. Although I didn't get the chance to get to know any of you guys or even develop relationships in this class, it was a pleasure to have you all as classmates. I'm sending you all my warmest wishes for success in the future. Happy Holidays!!


  1. Most welcome Roberto ^_^

    I am proud to see you handle your first college semester with grit and follow through!

    With a few more days to raise you grade, you will end IS101-3012, Fall 2022 on a high note :-)

  2. Roberto, if you see me don't be a stranger; feel free to chat with me whenever. Te mando salud dinero y amor.

  3. I agree Professor Wu provided some amazing opportuities to expand our knowledge during this short 16 week semester.

  4. I can’t agree enough. Professor Wu is one of the best professors in the College of Southern Nevada. The workload for his class was heavy but he supports each student to achieve an A grade. Roberto, I wish you the best in everything that you do.

  5. "Challenges will always exist, so try to maintain your efforts so that you can overcome them." And that's exactly what you did Roberto. So proud of you for putting in the hard work and time to catch up in this class. Mr. Wu is a great professor, who cares for his students and wants to see us all succeed.

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  8. Challenges are everywhere. Professor Wu is really a warm-hearted person. I remembered that he brought Walter the computer monitor. Thank you, Professor Wu!

  9. I'm very happy you were able to find balance in traveling, school, and work during your first semester in college. You made it out alive! I think that's something very big to celebrate because I imagine it can be more physically draining in the summer heat. Keep pushing through, you got this! And happy holidays :)

  10. Definitively, Mr. Wu won the recognition award for his excellent work. I would have wanted a teacher like Mr. Wu when I started college it would have made my student life easier with so much information and help. The first semester is always something new or the most difficult, but in order to have a good semester, It's not just being disciplined, it is good to have the help of an adviser so that they can help us in choosing classes so that we don't stress so much. My best wishes for you!

  11. Happy Holidays sir. Things will get better for you next semester. Keep it up you will go far.
