Saturday, September 3, 2022

My First Day at College

Due to a bad night's sleep the night before, I woke up early this past Tuesday. It was brought on by my fear of beginning a new chapter in my new life. In order to have something to be proud of in the pages of my life, I was resolved to be the greatest in all I did. I was both anxious and eager as I prepared to embrace the challenges and fresh experiences that college would present to me. When I met all of my teachers, I didn't see them as any different from my high school teachers, despite the fact that I had always been told that college was a new environment and even harder than high school. The number of students in the classroom was what surprised me most; I wasn't used to seeing so many people in one room. Given that CSN is a large campus, it did take me some time to get to my classes because I didn't know where they were. I got up again the next morning, ready to face the obstacles once more because of the knowledge I had received the previous day.


  1. Glad to hear you see your college professors not any different than your high school teachers :-)

    You will not only adapt to college but thrive and make a name for yourself!

    Welcome to higher education and IS101-3012, Fall 2022, Roberto ^_^

  2. Starting college is a new experience. We constantly hear how different college is from high school, but I don't think there is that much difference. Two things I have learned from college are how to be more responsible and time management. Let this semester be the start of a new journey.

  3. I believe there is a big difference from teachers in H.S. to Professors in College, the type of study and work you do and the Ideas behind each Teacher and Professor. Responsibility and time management a must. Enjoy your journey.

  4. Your experience is surely a shared one. I went through something similar when I first started college. I find it is helpful to figure out where your classes are before the start date. You're a bit more prepare this way and always try to be at the very least five minutes early.

  5. I also went through a similar experience when I first entered college. From my personal experience my high school classes were 35-45 students on average so college so far I have classes half the size in the amount of students currently. I am lucky that my classes are smaller than high school because it gives me more opportunities to ask questions and get more 1:1 help if needed. I hope your semester goes well and that you will succeed and pass with flying colors this semester.

  6. Reading your article took me back 17 years to the day I entered college. Because I was doing a double major, it took me five whole years to get through college. In retrospect, the essential thing in college is academic performance and your attitude and approach to learning. More time is needed for you to study and think! I expect you to have a perfect college life!

  7. New beginnings are always refreshing. Setting new goals in life and accomplishments is the best reward.

  8. High school they will baby you to get you to pass. College its on you to pass no one else.

  9. I was the same way first day of school. Tried to go to bed early, woke up at 3am thinking I over slept then couldn't go back to bed. One day at a time, this semester is almost over.

  10. New chapters are always fun and scary at the same time. You look forward to what's ahead, yet afraid of what may happen. I'm sure we all can relate to your feelings of anxiousness as we all were once new students here.

  11. Hey! It is also my first year at college too :) ! It's really cool, I agree with you about the campus being so huge. I feel like it got easier as the days went by. I hope college goes well for you!

  12. You'll acclimate in no time, just focus on the tasks at hand.

  13. What surprised me the most in my first year was how other students were so quick to whip out their laptops and tablets to open documents and take notes. By learning my environment and picking up some mannerisms, I slowly adapted to the college life and am much more prepared for future semesters to come. You'll get the hang of it!

  14. We all fear the unknown, something new and I think that's why many people are in their comfort zone. This is a big step that you take, a high education at the beginning will always intimidate you but I am sure that with your clear goals, your commitment and perseverance you will be successful.

  15. It is also my first year at college. I agree that the teachers didn't seem too different from high school. It feels like college is just like high school, but more responsibilities and managing your time.

  16. Great blog, I'm sure that you know that anything you set your mind to, can be easily accomplished. I admire your progression and can't wait to see you at the finish line.

  17. Hello Roberto, I remember my first year of College it was nerve-racking for me as well.

  18. I can understand the feelings of anxiousness when it comes to starting a new chapter. I am choosing to journey down a new path after 15 plus years of electronics into Information Technology, but I like learning new things and am excited to see where this can take me.

  19. The first steps always the hardest, I'm sure you'll be able to reach your goals!
