Saturday, September 10, 2022

Becoming Influenced by Famous People.

In today’s blog, I just want to talk about how other individuals, specifically famous people, have an impact on our life. Let me begin by stating that many well-known individuals advocate admirable and deserving beliefs, such as the value of moral principles, education, family, and many more. The majority of today's society can keep up with trends and is aware of what is happening across the world because these influencers support numerous environmental and social projects. Influencers may be perceived as having a beneficial or negative impact on us, depending on who you ask; this is because everyone has a distinct perspective. Even though we have never spoken with them, we have connections with them. On the other hand, it may be argued that these individuals engage in unethical practices behind the scenes, but as an audience, we have more authority to intervene anytime we notice something unusual. We have developed into a society where we gain from everything without considering the price we are truly paying. Therefore, our time-consuming practice of evaluating influencers harms their reputation while also wasting our time. Therefore, I would like to ask you this, are you willing to stand by your influencer even when they make mistakes? What do you stand to gain from supporting your influencer, and how much of your time are you ready to give up doing so?


  1. Excellent question! I don't follow any influencers or celebrities so I think I would judge the situation and the person by merit instead of automatically stand by them.

  2. I have never had a celebrity or famous influencer in my life, the only influences in my life were my parents and they are not famous. I would have to agree with Mr. Wu and judge them. I am not saying no one should be influenced by a celebrity or famous person that is up to every individual. This is a great question. One that everyone should ask themselves.

  3. I don't have famous influencers in my life. I try not to judge what I read about famous people unless I hear it come out of their mouths directly. Even then, I've always understood that everybody has their own story to tell and even when they say things, its either to cover up something or to gain more popularity.

  4. I tend not to try to judge what I have seen on the internet about famous people because majority of the time it is 1 against another in claims and accusations with no evidence it is all about what gets people to click the most. There are endless examples of this.

  5. I am sure most have noticed I am follower of Dave Ramsey. I would be willing to stand by him if a mistake was made. No one is perfect. He leads by example. His followers gain personal wealth and growth. I spend a lot of time listening to his podcasts. He has been a huge influence on my life ever since I found him. #livelikenooneelse

  6. I agree with Candido. The only people who have influenced me are my parents. I don’t follow influencers or celebrities. They do not have an impact on how I view things.

  7. Crossing the river by feeling the stones is better than following the footsteps of our predecessors. The experiences of some successful people do give us a lot of reflection and enlightenment. Learning from their successes can help us avoid detours.

  8. I don't follow celebrities for their opinions.

  9. I follow car builders and welders. I see what technic they are using and how they did it and see if it will work for me. Its also like saying I am YouTube certified in a way.

  10. I don't follow any influencers or celebrities. But I'm a firm believer in facts and evidence, and if those things show me the true character of a person, then that's all I need to make my own opinion of them.

  11. I am willing to stand by my favorite influencers/celebrities depending on the situation, but I don't stand with everything they stand for. For instance, Nicki Minaj (rapper) and Summer Walker (R&B artist) were attacked on social media over COVID misinformation and they were trying to clear up their intentions because people on social media love to twist words and go about their own narratives. Whether they are anti-vaccine or for vaccines is not my problem. Nowadays, famous people get "cancelled" over things they said in the past on social media involving colorism, racism, sexism, homophobia, etc. Some influencers I support have gotten into those situations and I still stand by them because I believe character growth is most definitely possible. If a favorite influencer of mine were to display continuous behavior of saying slurs, acting indifferent towards black people, Asians, LGBTQ+, etc. or even putting their hands on another man or woman unconsented, I would not support them from that moment on. I don't participate in online arguments over celebrities, but I do observe.

  12. They say to never meet your heroes, and to this day it still rings true. We as a society hold celebrities on this golden pedestal, and then get disappointed when they are not like what we envisioned them to be. I do have influencers and celebrities in my life that I enjoy, but I never let them influence my life choices. If they turn out to be in a scandal, I often times find myself looking more at the evidence before I jump to conclusions.

  13. Don't get too chastised by the infamous, just follow your north star; I say this because when speaking of influence and speaking of mistakes; those are two different points of view; we can sit here and dissect it, but no need; measuring your gains from influence has to be measured the same way you look at a mistake; time is not measured by influencers, but time does impact how many mistakes are made.

  14. I don't follow any celebrities, but I wouldn't judge them unless I heard it from them directly.

  15. I wouldn't judge celebrities or influencers because at the end of the day we don't really know them we just know them behind a screen.

  16. hmm, I've never had an influencer or someone to stand by in that way before. I may be distant from this topic although reading these comments was informative thank you Roberto for posting.

  17. This is a great topic. I feel similar, but I also feel as if I understand where society stands on the issue as well. It's no doubt some people may not know anything about who they're voting for, and just float on the opinions or expectations from others such as family. As society in my opinion is not ready to maturely stand together allowed to be ourselves. Even today, designer clothes and accessories will tell you more about a person than they will. Point being you're definitely a leader and inspiration to everyone you reach simply because how genuine you are. If humanity, collectively, was on such a beautiful level of thinking such as your own, we would rigorously down shift our speeding express towards human self-destruction.

    1. Great topic indeed but a even greater and sage reply, Walter!

      Your closing sentence is sublime ^_^

  18. There have only been a handful of entertainers who I feel I have been inspired by and even then like others have mentioned I think its important to understand that everyone makes mistakes and not to put them on a pedestal.

  19. I don't think it's necessarily a person's place to judge someone based something they say or may support, but I do think that if you are going to align yourself with someone on a particular issue or topic, then do some research and get informed on said topic so that you can be up to date of facts and not basing your thoughts and opinions on someone else's perspective, develop your own. You may never know who you might influence based on the facts and not misinformation of opinion.
