Saturday, September 24, 2022

1.3.13 Rules of Netiquette

As I was reading through Chapter 1's sections, I chose to focus on Rules of Netiquette because it is important that we understand proper online behavior. I'll begin by defining netiquette. Netiquette (also known as online etiquette) is a collection of guidelines that promote respectful and appropriate online conduct. These guidelines are crucial since they enhance communication abilities, stop misunderstandings, and give you insight into what is appropriate in social settings such as working and cooperating online. In the absence of visual and auditory signals, which are frequently sources of misunderstandings since readers can readily misread communications, netiquette standards have arisen to enhance online interactions. It's important to keep in mind that everything you do online leaves a digital print, so even when you believe you've deleted something, it still remains there.

In any learning environment, excellent communication skills are crucial. In the online setting, it's crucial to pay attention to what others are saying and to answer in a respectful manner. Let's look at some internet etiquette advice:

1. Always remember to treat people how you would like to be treated. 

2. Avoid using ALL CAPS because it will make you sound like you're shouting. 

3. Think before clicking the "Send" button. 

4. Be aware that various settings will demand a different level of formality than others. 

5. Don't expect instant responses. 

6. Write in a style that is truthful, reasonable, organized, and clear. 

7. Be respectful of other people's different viewpoints and opinions.


  1. Etiquette is important both in-person and virtually :-)

    More so in the digital world as they are saved and can be seen by future and unintended audiences!

  2. Etiquette used to be so important. Now it almost seems like a thing from the past. Agree with everything you said.

  3. I agree with the statements you made above. Thank you for sharing this with us.

  4. Etiquette is very important. Etiquette can help us in our workplace and everyday communication.

  5. I wish more people that came to visit Vegas had more etiquette. The things we have to deal with is garbage.

  6. Great points, especially number 7. I feel like more people need to understand that it's ok for someone else to have a different point of view or opinion than you; not everyone needs to agree with you, and you should respect that. Having different views is healthy; how boring and static the world would be with everyone thinking the same way.

  7. Rules of netiquette are more important now that ever before. It seems that many people have forgotten their manners. Online netiquette has for the longest been unwritten rules on how we should conduct ourselves, but in reality, it is no different than the same manners being applied to in person communications.

  8. I do agree that proper etiquette is needed in all aspects of life, whether online or off line. In a worldwide aspect, improper communication and improper etiquette have initiated countries to either go into war or to stop a war. I don't have a reference point due to this is a thesis from a psychology stand point, not because of any sort of facts.

  9. After growing up with the controversal site 4chan from its debut in 2004 I am glad to see people still have manners somewhere on the internet.

  10. Thank you for the reminder, it is appreciated.

  11. I remember this chapter! This is so important to keep in the back of your head.

  12. Netiquette was my favorite chapter to learn about. Mostly because I knew most of it already. Be aware of the trolls!

  13. I agree with the points above. Netiquette is very important.

  14. I am always constantly aware that various settings will demand a different level of formality than others. When communicating over email, I type formally with proper capitalization and punctuation.

  15. I agree with your skills. I used to always assume responding in all caps was a way of showing emotion; rather it be anger or excitement. Now, I simply try to avoid responding in caps.

  16. Proper netiquette I believe would solve a lot of problems with the internet and social media. It would definitely get rid of trolls and cyber bullies. The internet could be a more pleasant experience for everyone.

  17. Netiquette is really important. Because all of us deserve respect.
