Tuesday, November 29, 2022

The Influence of Photos

By the time I publish this post, you'll probably be able to tell that I've been working late to catch up. This week has been so hectic with work that I wish I could have used it to catch up, but it seems to have pushed me back. Aside from that, I just wanted to discuss the power of images. The majority of us use our phones to communicate, but what about archiving photos? Do you ever go through your photos and remember exactly when you took them and how you felt at the time? I remember I attended a friend's relative's funeral some years ago. They played a slideshow of pictures of this person’s life, and I was just in tears, thinking, "This person lived their life full of joy." After seeing that slideshow, it made me go through my gallery and I felt that nostalgia and happiness inside me. I was so grateful that I lived those moments even though I cannot express the same emotions that I did when I took those pictures. Pictures serve as evidence, convey stories, and most importantly, they serve as a reminder of who we are. Therefore, even if you have millions of photos, keep in mind that one day you might look back at them and recall something significant that motivated you to take that particular photo.

Saturday, November 19, 2022

A Quick Reflection

This morning, as I rode the bus, I was merely considering how to deliver my presentation without pausing. I have had some experience giving presentations because my senior year was so busy with them. This entire week was jam-packed with work, schoolwork, and tests I had to take for my other classes, so I'm grateful that Professor Wu helped me finish my presentation this past Saturday.

As I walked back to my seat, I began to realize some of my errors. I noticed I ran way over the time limit, even after I tried rushing my presentation at the very end. I really like discussing my culture, but I haven't really worked on how to do so in a way that is easier to understand. The feedback I received from several of you guys and Professor Wu were much appreciated. I'm relieved this task is completed, so now I can start catching up.

Preparing for a presentation and taking some time to relax are two pieces of advice I would really try to keep in mind.

Saturday, November 12, 2022

Christmas is Around the Corner

Can you all believe it? It's getting close to that time of year. Christmas is a time to unwind and spend time with family and friends. Christmas celebrations can get increasingly unpleasant as you get older and have to deal with challenges. If I had to compare it to when I was seven years old, I could definitely say that I was a lot more enthusiastic and knowledgeable about this time of year. My mother used to buy us a small Christmas tree to decorate at home, but I always wanted the big, extravagant tree. Now that I have one, I don't even have time to set it up. Little me would be disappointed. All the emotions and delights I experienced come to mind when I write this blog post, which brings back all those memories. I genuinely look forward to spending time with my niece because I haven't had the chance to since I started working and going to college. It's so pleasant to see a lot of smiles this time of year. What are you all most excited to do throughout the holiday season?

Saturday, November 5, 2022

Is Laughing the New Medicine?

Let me start by asking you guys: what’s the last thing that got you laughing? Who made you laugh? I don't want to turn this post into some sort of health research paper, but I just want to emphasize that laughing actually alters many body systems. When you experience that kind of shortness of breath, it means that you are still fully conscious of yourself and the reason you are laughing. We used to laugh several times a day as kids, but as we get older, life becomes more serious and we laugh less frequently. However, you may enhance your emotional well-being, your relationships, your level of happiness, and even your lifespan by actively seeking out more opportunities for humor and laughter. Additionally, there is always a driving force that causes you to laugh, and I don't simply mean when someone makes a mistake or falls to the ground; I mean the happy laugh that causes your body to react. People often take a break from stressful situations because it's obvious that we need some kind of distraction. I encourage you to find an activity that motivates you in the sense that it helps you forget about everything else, feels relaxing, and makes you want to laugh.